Marvel Review Pt 2

this is part 2 of my marvel review. if you wish to see part 1 click Marvel Review PTĀ 1 < here.

watch it for yourself. 5/10

Good movie! though there was a lot of solutions for the good guys and the bad guys! for description click here

Thor, God of thunder. his romantic plot was completely stolen from Greek mythology by the way. nevertheless. I’d watch this movie whenever! 6/10

I absolutely love this movie! 7/10.

ok I went 2 movies over my limit. so, I’m going to stop here.


Marvel Review PT 1

so… I’m Masterthad.

Today I’m going to do a marvel movie review! this rating is using 1/10 system.


The First Avenger.

What can I say about this movie? it was released 12 years ago. And actually, fun fact Iron Man 1 (more on that later) was released first. it was a pretty cool movie, so there is evil hydra blah blah captain America gets injected with some things to make him strong and all. overall rating… I would say 6.5/10


so, billionaire, genius, philanthropist Tony Stark on a demonstration of the new “Jericho Missiles” gets captured by a group known as the “Ten Rings” and he gets shrapnel in his heart. So, he has to build an Arc Reactor to stop it. blah blah blah stuff happens overall it is 7/10.

this is where I leave off, every article will have 2 marvel movies in them. so, look for them. and if they are not there comment on it.