A Chess Guide from Someone with 650 Elo on chess.com

today I will be doing some kind of chess guide to chess… As the title says, I am not the greatest chess player. However, I believe a lot of chess players or just people who want to beat up their friends, will find something here they didn’t know, keep reading here and you will learn tips to massacre your opponents!

TIP 1.

Experience. the first tip I have is just, really play lots of games! The reason why is because if you play against player who are better than you online, then you can use tactics on other players.

TIP 2.


PART 1, the discovered attack.

I can guarantee that if you play lots of chess you will have a discovered attack used against you. Basically, it’s when you move a piece out of the way to threaten an attack against one of their pieces. Here is a example of a sort.

as the green arrow points, the bishop will be sacrificed, and the king will be in check so that white will have to capture and black can take the queen via rook. This is a kind of Discovered attack. Another example of a discovered attack is this.

pardon the low quality. This is a discovered attack. As the picture illustrates, white simply moves the knight, (maybe to E5 but maybe not.) and the rook is hanging as it cannot move. Though, the pawn on C7 could step forward. (For some beginner chess players, Hanging pieces are pieces that can be taken for free.)

another type of discovered attack is a Discovered Check.

1 example coming up!

I have covered right now 2 tactics, for you to win at chess. But lets head back to the bare basics of chess education.

Taking the Middle.

taking the middle is an excellent strategy but some inexperienced players might ask why. The simplest answer is that it helps you position for checkmates, and develops your pieces.

pardon my terrible drawing. At least you get what I mean. So as the arrows point at, white can snag a free point, and white’s pawn controls two squares including the square its occupying. My point is, White has a good advantage here. developing your pieces also mean, as like the bishop can develop by just getting out of its starting position. Like so.

wiggly lines are my worst enemy here. But as you can see. The bishop is developed, and a good move for white on his next turn is to move the horse on b1 to c3 to reinforce the other pieces and develop, or to move the horse on g1 to f3 to gain more control on the center and develop. It’s obvious who’s winning right now.

I know. I have amazingly steady hands. So, what’s pretty much happening here is that black has developed a piece, (finally) but white can push the pawn and threaten capture. This doesn’t mean that white has instantly won the black piece. what it means is that if white DOES decide to push the pawn, then Black’s Knight (or horse) can move around it like this.

so black moved over the pawn here, however, two pawns can simply push the knight off there, or the knights can trade.

lol, this has turned into an analysis. Speaking of which, if any of you (which means like 3 people) want to see me review an actual game like maybe your games, leave your chess.com username in the comments and look for your analysis. See you all next time! oh yeah and subscribe to my thing if you want more posts.

Marvel Review Pt 2

this is part 2 of my marvel review. if you wish to see part 1 click Marvel Review PT 1 < here.

watch it for yourself. 5/10

Good movie! though there was a lot of solutions for the good guys and the bad guys! for description click here https://www.imdb.com/list/ls020525837/

Thor, God of thunder. his romantic plot was completely stolen from Greek mythology by the way. nevertheless. I’d watch this movie whenever! 6/10

I absolutely love this movie! 7/10.

ok I went 2 movies over my limit. so, I’m going to stop here.


Marvel Review PT 1

so… I’m Masterthad.

Today I’m going to do a marvel movie review! this rating is using 1/10 system.


The First Avenger.

What can I say about this movie? it was released 12 years ago. And actually, fun fact Iron Man 1 (more on that later) was released first. it was a pretty cool movie, so there is evil hydra blah blah captain America gets injected with some things to make him strong and all. overall rating… I would say 6.5/10


so, billionaire, genius, philanthropist Tony Stark on a demonstration of the new “Jericho Missiles” gets captured by a group known as the “Ten Rings” and he gets shrapnel in his heart. So, he has to build an Arc Reactor to stop it. blah blah blah stuff happens overall it is 7/10.

this is where I leave off, every article will have 2 marvel movies in them. so, look for them. and if they are not there comment on it.


Mount And Blade Warband Review

today I I’ll be reviewing…

Mount and Blade: Warband!

Lemme tell you one thing, I ABSOLUTELY love this game. Mount and Blade: Warband released in 2009 as a standalone expansion to the native game Mount and Blade. While the graphics sure aren’t cutting-edge the gameplay is brilliant. speaking of which let’s dive into.


so, the controls are your typical WASD and crossbow and bow and sword are all Left-Click as shown in this image.

so, you can control an army, but you have to hire then train them! you can move around the map and head to villages and buy troops, but it costs the Calradian Currency known as “Denars” you get Denars by Looting Villages (you need at least negative with the faction you are stealing from.) or by beating people in battle, not a sustainable way of income by the way. Or by doing quests, or by buying an Enterprise in a town. Or by owning towns or villages. But… your troops cost a salary. You can become a Lord for a faction known as “vassals” or a mercenary. then you can siege castles and get them! However… if you siege a castle and win it without belonging to a faction you start you own faction!


now at last, my end result is… 8.5/10! now a lot of people are going to disagree with me. but that is my end result. visit my website for more stuff.

Marvel Review PT 1 go check out Pt 1 Of my marvel review!


Reviewing Death Road to Canada!

Today we will be reviewing DR2C (Death Road to Canada!) So, this game is for Mobile and PC but I’m going to be reviewing the Mobile version. The creators are Madgarden and Rocket cat.


Well first of all I want to mention that the game is $12-14 Dollars. So, the controls at first are clunky and hard to, well, control, but the more you play it the easier it gets, I recommend that you set the drag lock to DRAG LOCKED on the settings, because that usually works ok. You can set the dead zone to anything, but I have mine on 23. overall, though it’s definitely a 6/10 on the controls, and after you get the controls its totally fun.


sorry for the short post if you guys let me know if you want a guide to DR2C just leave it down in the comments.

the overall rating is… 8/10! seriously this game is super fun once you get the groove, at first it seems really annoying because you can’t grasp the controls but later down the line it becomes easier.

leave a comment if you guys want me to write a guide to DR2C.


Game Reviewing!

well, i decided to rotate around Games, Movies, And TV shows!

First one up, im sure everybody knows this as, Minecraft!

minecraft was a sandbox (or survival) game that was as early as 2010, allowing player to build, create, destroy, and survive! this had 140 million people playing it and today it has 200 MILLION SALES, so obviously it’s a pretty big game, its possibilities are endless, and since august 4 2010 you could play with other people. this allowed not just normal survival minecraft this meant you could play Factions (Survival with other people) and bedwars (destroy other people’s beds and then kill them to win) this made minecraft EXPLODE with sales, and just 4 years after its release Notch the Creator (or co-founder) of the infamous game, minecraft handed the game to the co-owner of minecraft (and owner of mojang) and soon he sold it to microsoft.


now, with the game play, its fairly simple as it uses standard WASD controls and left-click to attack/destroy and right-click to build/shoot (with bow) this makes it easy to play for anyone in a short amount of time. But like they say, easy to learn, hard to master. there are also other fairly important controls (see here) —-> Q = DROP ITEM IN HOTBAR 1 = HOTBAR 1 2 = HOTBAR 2 3 = HOTBAR 3 4 = HOTBAR 4 5 = HOTBAR 5 6 = HOTBAR 6, and you know the hotbar system by now. also, if you install optifine (minecraft mod) C = ZOOM, which is fairly useful. oh yeah SHIFT = sneak/crouch. and Tab shows how many players there are in multiplayer games (or lan aka Local Area Network games) and of course T = Talk/chat. and E opens your inventory. i think that’s about it.


now for the moment of truth, minecraft is a great game worth 9.0 POINTS. Why its 9.0? well ever since mc (short for minecraft) was given to microsoft they’ve overloaded the game with pointless updates, like WHATS COPPER FOR!?!?! AMETHYST IS WORTH NOTHING!!! WHY DOES ONE NEED CAMPFIRES AND “SOUL FIRE” Some of the updates are cool but because of the bad updates its only 9.0. you can discuss in the Comments and like if liked it and dislike it if you disliked it and tell me what I did wrong. if you didn’t understand what I meant, here look down.




Really redundant railroad cars can you spell that without any  ‘r’s

Little nancy etticoat in a white petticoat and a red nose the longer she stands the shorter she grows: what is this?

Thirty white horses on a red hill now they tramp now they stamp now they stand still: what is this?

As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats each cat had seven kits. Kits cats sacks and wives how many were going to St. Ives? 

Old mother twitchet had but one eye and a long tail that she would let fly and every time she went through a gap, she left a bit of her tail in a trap.

Make of me nothing and nothing I’ll be, make of me something and something I’ll be. What is this?

I come once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years. What am I?

I wear a green coat, silky hair, and yellow teeth, what am i?

That’s all for today, comment and let’s see how many you get right!

Magic (the flipped card)

(The picture up here is what the magic should look afterwards)
Fan out the cards like so, EXCEPT, flip the bottom card like in the example that is below the picture on top.

However, hide the flipped card from the audience. That flipped card is the main part of the trick.

.2 let them pick any card from the fan, but make sure they don’t see the bottom card.

.3 while they examine the card they picked, you fold the fan and flip the deck over casually.

Here is the magic in video